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Natural Alternative Strategies to the Top Ten Prescription Drugs – Part 6

Friday, May 3, 2024 10:10 AM

Article by Mark Anderson of Standard Process West  
and Kerry Bone of MediHerb. 
- Nebel OT, Fornes MF, Castell DO. Symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux: incidence and precipitating factors. AM J Dig Dis. 1976;21(11)”953-956
- Spechler SJ. Epidemiology and natural history of gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Digestion. 1992;51(supp 1):24-29.


Why Treat Pain?
• It is estimated that more than 60 million people in the United States suffer from some type of pain sufficient to significantly impact their lives.
• Almost $US5 billion is spent each year on surgery for chronic back pain alone. 
• One in five Americans over age 60 takes medication to control pain, mainly for arthritis and low back pain. 
Turk DC, Treatment of chronic pain: clinical outcomes, cost-effectiveness, and cost benefits. Drug Benefit Trends 2001: 13(9): 36-38 
National Counctil on the Aging. Pain and older Americans survey major findings. PRNewswire June 9, 1997 

Herb for Pain? 
• Historically, they always have: opium, gelsemium, cannabis and aconite are examples. 
• These are powerful and dangerous herbs and their therapeutic use is generally highly controlled 
• But recent research suggests that milder herbs can also play a valuable role. 
• It must be remembered that control of pain is only one aspect of any treatment. 
• The goal of care is to treat and alleviate the cause wherever possible. 

Pharmacology of Pain. 
• Analgesics are divided into two classes: opiate (opioid) and non-opiate. 
• Morphine and other opiate analgesics stimulate opiate receptors in the CNS and inhibit the perception of pain. 
• Non-opiate analgesics inhibit the manufacture of chemicals that sensitize and/or stimulate pain fibers. 
• Opiate analgesics are more effective for the sharp pain associated with the direct mechanical stimulation of pain fibers. 
• They include morphine, codeine, and related drugs. 
• They are generally used to relieve intense pain. 
Non-opiate Analgesics 
• Non-opiate analgesics are effective for alleviating the dull throbbing pain associated with such pathological processes as inflammation. 
• They do not relieve the sharp pain associated with direct mechanical stimulation of pain fibers. 
• They are (with the exception of acetaminophen) anti-inflammatory agents. 
Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) 
• NSAIDs suppress the signs and symptoms of inflammation, but do not alter the underlying causes. 
• They include aspirin and modern drugs such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, Celebrex and Vioxx. 
• They act by inhibiting prostaglandin (PG) synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (COX). 
COX-1 and COX-2 
• It was recently discovered (1991 that there were two COX isoenzymes. 
• COX-1 is constitutive and is involved in vital physiological functions. As such it is expressed on many somatic cells. 
• COX-2 is inducible and is expressed and inflammatory cells. Induction of COX-2 is a critical event in inflammation and pain. 
• Selective COX-2 inhibitors alleviate inflammation and pain and (in theory) will not cause the side effects associated with COX-1 inhibition (gastric damage, increased bleeding) 
• The reality is that COX-2 inhibitors do possess some activity against COX-1 

Key Analgesic Herbs 
1- Californian poppy and Corydalis can be seen as opioid-like analgesic herbs. However, their activity is likely to be very mild. 
2- Willow bark can be likened to NSAIDs in its effects
3- Boswellia, ginger and turmeric are more anti-inflammatory and probably have little analgesic activity 

Protocol for pain: 
- Calcium Lactate 
- Cataplex F 
- Cataplex D 
- Cal-Amo 
- Chlorophyll Oil Perles 
- Boswellia 
- While Willow Bark
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