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Having Your Own Backyard Flock - Motivation
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 12:01 PM
Photo by Bri Tucker on
I have long desired to become a homesteader and raise my own food. I want to work the land and enjoy the fruit of my own labor instead of mooching off everyone else’s hard work as I have done for so long. But while I revel in my new Little House on the Prairie lifestyle, I still want all the suburban luxury. . . at least for the time being. So I did it, I took the first step. We now own five frisky, funny, feathery chickens that live in our semi-rural backyard. I tell myself I did it for the kids, but really I had more selfish motivations.
Chickens are hilarious and make excellent pets. It took some time, but now we can hold our girls, and they come trotting over every time they see us. Of course, they think we have table scraps for them to devour, but I like to think it is because they adore us. So for all you out there who have an itch to do something homestead-ish and who have a little land to spare, let me tell you about raising these fine feathered creatures. They help your gardening efforts, make the most of every scrap of food that goes through your kitchen and bring you and your children hours of enjoyment.
Most important, you should never be eggless again and may even have enough to give to your family and friends—or better yet, barter for something you need.
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