Better Body Clinical Nutrition
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Tuesday, October 29, 2024 8:56 AM
Who knows what some of our ancestors were thinking when they came up with the word to describe this organ? I believe they were thinking of the word LIVE, which comes from the word ALIVE, which means to continue life. Again, who known, but they knew one thing for sure… when this organ gets injured or sick, you cannot continue life.
Your Ultimate ENERGY Organ
You liver is the ultimate detoxification organ in your body. Most of the food you consume is grown in, dusted with, dipped in, sprayed, mixed, colored, flavored, and preserved with thousands of toxic chemicals and then packaged in toxic containers. And God only known what is in the water you drink and the air you breathe. Everything you eat and drink is digested and travels from your intestines, via your portal vein, to your liver FIRST. Everything that goes into your mouth, once absorbed, must first pass through the liver and its numerous safety checks. If your liver is clean and healthy, it also contains millions of immune cells called macrophages, which means “big eaters.” These macrophages are the backup system to your liver’s detoxification ability, killing and eating bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and any harmful toxins, poisons, or chemicals that they encounter.
It’s the liver’s job to filter everything we eat and drink and remove anything harmful from our digested food before it enters our bloodstream. It removes cholesterol and harmful fats from eating too much animal food and eliminates thousands of additives in the food and liquids we consume. Your liver removes all this harmful material from your blood that if left behind, will cause heart attacks, strokes, circulatory disease, cancer, neurological diseases, and a hundred other diseases. This is why many doctors will often say that when you have almost any disease, your liver was sick long before your disease developed.
An unhealthy lifestyle and diet causes the liver to be overworked and then congested with this same toxic waste it has removed from your blood. But now, in its constipated and sick state, your liver can’t get the poison out of itself. This accumulated waste eventually causes your liver to get diseased. Liver flushing and cleansing causes the liver to empty its toxic contents when it’s constipated and overloaded with them. Think of it as an enema for the liver.
Continued in next post
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