Better Body Clinical Nutrition


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Healing Life and Lungs After Covid – Part 2

Thursday, November 16, 2023 3:04 PM

Article from

December 5, 2022 by Betsy Thomason

Photo by Darius Bashar on

Rethinking Healing

The medical community has taught the public to expect quick fixes—with drugs, and now vaccines. In the case of long-haul Covid lung injuries, however, there is no quick fix. For a century, in fact, mainstream medicine has been unable to prevent or reverse the long-lasting effects of pulmonary fibrosis, nor did it have any solu­tion to offer for the prevention or reversal of the fibrotic changes observed twenty years ago with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Physicians such as Dr. Al-Aliy are now arguing for the need “to take long Covid more seriously and devote resources to it” so as to discover new treatments.

When you are depressed and anxious about your health, it’s hard to start rethinking the meaning of healing and learn new approaches to well-being. Itself a novel idea, “well-being” is a state of body, mind and spirit harmony that can foster the joy of inner peace. Even when your body is not as fully functional as your brain desires, you can employ positive energy to make the best of your situation.

I make no claims about curing Covid-damaged lungs—that is, returning them to their pre-Covid state. Rather, it is my thesis that the body has many untapped back-up and intercon­nected support systems—ready and waiting for recognition—which can help you eliminate inef­ficiencies and restore hope for a more functional future. This approach is powerful no matter what ails you because it grounds you in your body, rather than in your brain. As you begin to listen to your body’s messages, you can take appropriate positive action.

Let’s face it: healing can be arduous work— whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. I believe that a healing strategy that involves appreciation for the body, efficient breathing, ample movement, appropriate hydra­tion and excellent nutrition—applied with focus and commitment—can bear fruit.