Better Body Clinical Nutrition
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Using Observation to Better Assess Physical Health!
Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:38 AM
Some of you will remember the days when a doctor used to look into your ears, your eyes, your mouth, and would palpate your abdomen, test your knee reflexes to determine you state of health. Well, long gone are those days.
Today a doctor will just ask for symptoms, check your blood pressure, urine and/or blood test to come up with a diagnosis. Some specialists will use testing equipment to find if there is abnormality. But looking at the skin, nails, tongue, and other various parts of the body is still a very valid way to assess what might be going on inside.
Here are some signs found on the skin and what it may indicate;
Grey skin – Related with the lungs and large intestine. Could indicate chronic constipation or other intestinal disorder, lung congestion, shock, or anemia.
Yellow skin – Related to liver/gallbladder. Could indicate jaundice or increased secretion may be the cause.
Brown skin (area beneath the eyes and upper cheeks) – Related to kidneys. Could indicate diabetes.
Blue skin (around the temples, between the eyes or bridge of nose – Related to the liver and stomach, spleen, and pancreas. Could indicate excessive exposure to silver.
Oily skin (excess oil) – Related to liver/gallbladder or pancreas. If nose is oilier, support the heart. Oily forehead indicates intestine and liver issues. Cheeks point to the lungs. Chin and mouth can indicate sex organs or hormones.
Dry or rough skin – Could indicate dehydration or possible thyroid dysfunction.
Rashes – Can be difficult to determine underlying cause without our exam. Look at gut health as a primary suspect. Often provoked by food sensitivities. Common deficiencies include zinc, essential fatty acids, vitamin A.
Eczema – Correlated with buildup of toxins and/or ability to efficiently eliminate them. Allergens are often involved.
Skin fungus (often dark, warm, moist areas or flaky skin) – Important to look at skin hygiene in these areas. Root cause if often the gut.
Dark Patches or Liver spots – Thought to be caused by decreased liver efficiency. Often related to sun exposure without sufficient essential fatty acids.
Acne – Common cause are increased hormones (especially testosterone during puberty), excess skin bacteria. Can get aggravated with regular alcohol consumption, zinc, and mineral deficiencies.
Wrinkles – Some amount of age-related decline in skin integrity is expected. Occurs as collagen and elastin production decreases. Severe or excessive wrinkles indicate nutrient deficiencies. Smoking causes reduction in collagen production by depleting vitamin C. Key nutrients to consider are essential fatty acids, vitamin A and calcium.
Deep creases – Skin that is calcium deficient can appear thickened, tough with deep creases. Often seen in farmers or those working outside. Diet is missing essential fatty acids and likely calcium. Calcium is needed in the skin to protect from the sun.
General Nutrition Support for the Skin;
• Calcium Lactate
• Cataplex F
• Linum B6
• Cataplex E
• Essential Fatty Acids
• Dermatrophin PMG (after surgery)
• DermaCo
• Chaste Tree (normalize hormones)
• Zinc
• Gotu Kola (boost collagen)
These are general guidelines but there could be other problems that are needing to be handled as a priority which when handled would eventually handle the skin issues.
Only one way to be certain, come in and get tested!
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